Cancer Cure-Introduction.
Chemotherapy is a poison to kill the cells. We can add as well. radiation, that's it.
The "vanguard" to cancer treatment is to incorporate the 'treatment' that consist to poison the victim, hoping to kill diseased cells. But wait, this chemotherapy poison also kills the cells of the immune system and leaves it shot to pieces. And the Fungus Candida is ¡ STILL THERE !.
Your immune system is broken and it is only a matter of time before the Candida cause a relapse. In summary:
Chemotherapy consist in killing the people who are supposed to be cured. Really is not a cure for cancer. When Doctor Simoncini realized that cancer is a fungal infection and infestation, he went in search of something that would kill the fungus and so remove the cancer. He realized that anti-fungal drugs do not work because the fungus quickly mutates and is defended even starts to feed off the drugs that are prescribed to kill.
Instead, Simoncini found something much simpler: Sodium Bicarbonate.
Sodium Bicarbonate is a natural cancer cure, is a powerful destroyer of fungus and, unlike drugs, the Candida can not 'adapt' to it. The patient is given sodium bicarbonate orally and through internal means like an endoscope, a long thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery.
This allows the sodium bicarbonate is placed directly into the cancer, in the fungus.The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and old Indian books dating back thousands of years ago, really recommend alkaline foods or products "Alkali" because the strong power which is ideal for treating cancer.
In the first three articles that described here in the schedule below let's talk more broadly about the cancer cure, first of all focusing this treatment to the use of sodium bicarbonate.In next articles we will describe the alternative cancer cure from other angles with emphasis on the change of diet, beating cancer with nutrition , the use of alkaline diets, lifestyle change and another recommendations to fight the cancer problem.
Cancer Cure With Bakin Soda (First part)
First part describe about cancer cure is real,cheaper,practical and fast to carry it out with baking soda,according to the most recent researches about alternative cancer cures…Read more
Cancer Cure With Bakin Soda (Second part)
Second part about cancer cure with bakin soda is the best serial of methods to apply in each organ specifically fighting and disappearing this disease completely…Read more
Cancer Cure With Bakin Soda (Third part)
Cancer cure with bakin soda is a serial of best methods to apply in each body’s organ specifically, fighting and disappearing the disease completely…Read more
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