Cancerous Tumors And Disease Sources
Actually there are numerous statistics that relate the cancerous tumor apparition with economic, labor, social, family or any other problems.
This is demonstrated by the surprising cases in which it has intervened the autosuggestion, or what has been achieved through little recommended hypnosis.
Most diseases are in fact, a somatization produced by brain. The real problem lies in the tiny control we have over our mind. It is estimated that over 90 % of brain functions are unknown to us.
Events that do not accept that we can not overcome, produce a mental or emotional wound that is open or " entrenched " in a more or less conscious part of the mind. Therefore an attitude flexible and hardened to life will help us accept all events more healthily.
Children, whose psychology is more vulnerable to attacks from the environment, suffer emotional shocks more easily, in fact a large part of our psychological wounds usually come from events in our childhood.
Once ended unpleasant event and stop suffer, we believe that problem is already overcome. Many times it is not so. Actually we can not even get an idea about amount of subconscious cysts we carry inside and their influence in our health.
When our emotional wounds are readily observable , ie , when residing in an area above the subconscious, we should not fall in error covering them through cheerful masks. Save the sufferings has proven to be a great diseases´ source.
Subconscious wounds are another disease source, because inevitably remain hidden. Therefore we must make a work of introspection in search of wounds, traumas, shocks, etc. we will discover the most obvious first, and try to delve into the most unconscious. Later we delve into it.
None cancer therapy would be getting rid from the proper mental treatment, because none of us do not have psychological problems, traumas, fears, frustrations, anxieties or other mechanisms, that although are considered normal or not pathological in psychology or official Psychiatry, may pose a threat to our physical health.
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