Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vegetable Oils And Antioxidants For Cancer

Vegetable Oils And Antioxidants

Free radicals formation  by olive oil peroxidation is much lower than in case of other vegetable oils. Sunflower oil , rapeseed, soybean, etc. Form by cooking at relatively low temperatures a compound called acrolein which is a powerful carcinogen.

However olive oil is decomposed at much higher temperatures, with much less produced acrolein amount. Therefore, it stands to reason that you should usually use olive oil , particularly for frying, in detriment of other oils. Olive oil to which we are referring is obviously obtained by first cold pressing.

Refined olive or mixed is not recommended at all, it is a product manufactured and chemically denatured.
In the case of sunflower or soya, for example, it is usual in its production using caustic alkali ( such as caustic soda ) to remove called unsaponifiable lipids.

Linoleic acid causes excessive bolus thickening, which does not happen with oleic acid. Another advantage of the olive oil is that contains a compound called squalene, which does not appear in any other natural fat, except shark oil. Besides this anti-cancer compound, contains other substances that prevent cancer development.

Also contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols. W-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found primarily in vegetable oils. W-3 fatty acids are found mostly in oily fish fat (salmon, mackerel , sardines, etc. ), and some vegetables such as soy or nuts.

Essential fatty acids supply is ensured by regular olive oil consumption, because this oil contains between 4% and 20% of these fatty acids, aside from oleic acid.

Therefore it is strongly recommended intake olive oil of first grip, oily fish, peanuts, tree nuts or soy. Should also be consume oil fruits (almonds, hazelnuts , etc.). sparingly, and always raw, unroasted.

Should avoid all other vegetable oils, and refined olive oil or mixed. The vegetable margarines should be replaced by butter.

In case that really want to bring out a good preventive program, it would be advisable to make appropriate dietary changes gradually,because a sudden change would increase the chances of failure.

Instead, the progressive changes tend to be more durable. In the case of an already formed tumor, should accelerate this change, it is important to act quickly.

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