Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Basil Properties And Benefits For Health

Basil Properties And Benefits

Basil ( Ocimum basilicum L. ) is an aromatic and medicinal plant, herbaceous, annual, with erect and branched stems, leafy, reaching 30 to 50 cm tall. Leaves 2-5 cm, smooth, oblong, opposite, petiolate, ovate, lanceolate, slightly toothed.

The flowers are white, arranged in elongated spikes, in the top of the stem or at the ends of the branches.

It is one of the main culinary use's  aromatic herbs for export, due to its participation and leadership in preference for destination countries such as United States, Canada and the UK, being the species most consumed  in the international arena.

Nutrition facts table
Each 100 g contains:

Calories  23 Kcal.

Protein 3.15 g

Carbohydrates 2.65 g

fiber 1.6 g

Calcium 177 mg

Iron 3.17 mg

Phosphorus 56 mg

Potassium 295 mg

Sodium 4 mg

Zinc 0.81 mg

Vitamin C 18 mg

Niacin 0.902 mg

Vitamin B-6 0.155 mg

Riboflavin 0.076 mg

Basil uses
Basil is one of the most popular herbs in cooking, is considered indispensable by a gourmet. It has a sweet and fragrant taste. The most scented leaves are those that are collected just before flowering, because they contain a higher amount of oily substances that determine its aroma, its older leaves tend to have more spicy flavor .From basil are used the leaves fresh or dried.

The fresh leaves are used whole or chopped fine . The basil essential oil is rich in estragole, a potent genotoxic carcinogen. However, it has not been directly determined carcinogenicity or teratogenicity of the basil in the human diet.

Basil also has cosmetic, pharmaceutical and high curative value for various diseases. The essential oil is used in the manufacture of soaps,cosmetics and fragrances.The sacred purple basil has many beneficial properties such as :

* Adaptogenic (anti - stress)

* antibacterial

* Anti -fungal

* Antioxidant

* Anti- inflammatory

These properties bring an increased sense of wellbeing, increasing immune function, and disease prevention. The known benefits of holy basil are:

* Memory booster

* Fever reducer

* Cough soothing

* Relief of sore throat

* Soothing bites, cuts and scrapes

* Headache treatment

* Increases renal function

* Balances the emotional health

* Eliminates acne

* Possible blood sugar regulation.

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