Saturday, January 11, 2014

Coconut Medicinal And Healing Properties-2

Coconut Water

We continue with more properties of coconut water:

* Assist in nourishment transporting and oxygen to cells

* Excellent water totally natural  that can be ingested during periods of elaxation, meditation, driving, eating, running, exercising, aerobic, working, skiing, riding mountain motor exercises, skiing, lifting weights, working on the gym, skating on the waves, fishing  doing physical activities, or any other project.

* It helps to prevent and fungal virulent bacterial infections.

* Help your body fight viruses that cause the flu, herpes and AIDS

* Helps promote weight loss

* Reduces the atherosclerosis risk and related diseases

* Helps prevent osteoporosis

* Helps control diabetes

* Promotes bowel regularity

* Promotes healthy thyroid function

* Helps remove worms ' pinworms '

* Used in cancer therapy

* Helps kill the parasite Giardia lamblia

* Improves digestion

* Provide quick energy

* Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body

* Assist with gallbladder disease

* Helps eliminate Candida yeast infections

* Inhibits the mycoplasma growth

* Helps eliminate eczema

* Helps keep skin soft and smooth

* Helps prevent dandruff

* Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkles

* Helps prevent skin cancer and other blemishes

* Helps prevent dry skin

Vitamins: The tender young coconut water containing ascorbic acid. the ascorbic acid concentration ranges between 2.2 and 3.7 milligrams per millimeter. This ascorbic acid content gradually decreases as that the marrow around the water begins to harden. Coconut water also contains B group vitamins and vitamin E

It is also indicated to raise the platelets, for people who are receiving chemotherapy.Coconut water is a natural trace mineral.

Other properties and applications of coconut water in health.

• It contains a lot of minerals like copper, zinc, iron, acid folate and hosphorus. The mineral that provides over half of the concentration of coconut water is potassium.

• Rich in fiber, which stimulates good intestinal performance, removing cloggings and  fermented materials in the intestines which cause severe health problems.

• Suitable for people who suffer from colitis, gastric ulcers, weakness stomach and constipation. Combat anemia, nervous exhaustion and weight loss.

• Since it is rich in potassium is one of the many minerals that it provides, this is very good for our body because potassium is the best electrolyte regulator for our body, causing a better removal of toxins by natural means.

• Its water contains a high caloric value.

 Part     |    1    |    2    |

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