Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lentils Its Nutritional Components

Lentils health benefits

Have high levels of phosphorus, so it helps to have greater physical strength , ideal for athletes. This mineral also helps to improve the functions of  brain The lentils offer half the amount of phosphorus that need us daily.

They are a source of vegetable protein ( deficient in methionine), starch,calcium, iron but despite its fame, are not those with the highest concentration between the leguminous, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus.

Vitamin content is low, include vitamin K and some folates. It is also important its soluble and insoluble fiber content;although in lower concentrations than in other legumes,which encourages intestinal transit and helps fight constipation, and contribute to the prevention of various diseases. The lipid content is very low.

Have low concentrations of antinutritional components as saponins , phytates tannins which produce beneficial effects.

Vitamins present in lentils:
Vitamin For every 100g

Vitamin C      4.5 mg
Vitamin B1    0.87 mg
Vitamin B2    0.20 mg
Vitamin B3    2.62 mg
Vitamin B5    2.16 mg
Vitamin B6    0.55 mg
Vitamin B12      0 mg
Vitamin B9    0.48 mg
Vitamin B7     97 mg
Vitamin E       0.5 mg
Vitamin D          0 mg
Vitamin K      0.0045 mg

Nutrient Per 100g
Calcium 57mg
Iron 7.50mg
Magnesium 123mg
Phosphorus 450mg
Potassium 950mg
Sodium 6mg
Zinc 4.78mg
Copper 0.520mg
Manganese 1.35mg
Selenium 0.0087mg

To buy lentils.
• Look lentils that come in plastic bags of one pound . Lentils are available whole or split.

• The most common types of lentils are green or brown . Also are there red , orange, yellow or black.

• Check the lentils in the best way you can. Make sure they are not cracked . Should be clean, without sdirt, waste or mildew.

To store lentils
• Store lentils in a completely sealed container . Keep in a cool , dry, dark place.

• Eat them within a period of one year.

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