Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lucerne Plant Its Properties And Medicinal Uses

Also called Alfalfa
Family: Leguminosae
Gender: Medicago Sativa

Lucerne nutritional value
Protein 20.98%
Fat 1.83%
Fiber 17.53%
Ash: 11.37%
Moisture : 7.00 %
Carbohydrates: 58.51 %
Digestibility in vitro: 67.19 %

Lucerne/Alfalfa and its properties
* It is an excellent herb to remove toxins from the body due to the cleansing properties that it possesses.

Foods with these properties help to lower blood pressure and may reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve metabolism.

* It acts as a cleansing and sweeping substances in the intestine, as well as cholesterol excess, triglycerides and uric acid from the body.

* According to recent studies, alfalfa helps control blood glucose levels.

* To the being rich in vitamins and minerals helps prevent anemia.

* Helps prevent overweight and menopause because it contains hormonal substances with estrogenic activity such as phytoestrogens.

* Because of its high fiber content, produces a feeling of satiety and calm hunger, plus it improves bowel motility.

Common remedies that are made with alfalfa:

* To detoxify the blood and liver:
Take a cup of alfalfa juice or eating  in salads. However, care must be taken in do not mix it with lemon juice because they are not compatible each other.

* To combat foot odor: Place fresh leaves in shoes and must ensure that the viscous part contacts the soles of the feet.

* For osteoporosis: Cook two tablespoons of alfalfa. This amount provides to the body about 5 percent calcium and 3 percent phosphorus .

* To strengthen the lungs in case of bronchitis : Grind seeds and add a teaspoon into food when they are already served daily.

* For the withdrawal of milk from mothers: Crush leaves and apply them on the chest.

Academic indications: To be used for medicinal purposes :
* Osteoarthritis.

* Anemia.

* Arthritis.

* Nutritional supplement.

As a home remedy: It is used in the same cases as in academic medicine, but also for:
* Fever.

* Gout disease.

* Arteriosclerosis.

* Cystitis and Urethritis.

* Cholesterol.

* Diabetes.

* Infections .

* Increased muscle mass.

* Lack of appetite.

* Capillary weakness

* Disorders Menopause: Ovarian cysts . Vaginal dryness. Flushing.

* Disorders of menstruation : Dysmenorrhea or painful periods.

* Osteoporosis (preventive ).

* Rheumatism.

* Herpes Simplex : External use.

* Hypothyroidism.

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