Friday, January 24, 2014

Mallow Essential Applications And Properties

Mallow (Malve)

Mallow is a shrub that is abundant in some courtyards and gardens of Salento . It is a common species cultivated in cold weather.

It belongs to the Malvaceae family and is native to Eurasia. It is a herbaceous plant between perennial and biannual, very hairy stem and fusiform root. From the axils of its alternate leaves sprout flowers of pinkish color, petals veined in violet color.

Is used in infusion, gargles or vaporizations to treat various respiratory problems, mallow has benefits against bronchitis, you can make tea from this plant. This infusion can drink between 2-3 times a day. Also  you can complement all of these properties, performing  gargles for throat and ears nflammation.

Applications and Properties
Mallow mainly contains mucilage, tannins, organic pigments , acids and vitamin C. The mucilage facilitate healing internal wounds, mucosal lesions and stomach ulcers. Is used in the treatment of bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, stomach, intestine, and as a mild laxative.

External use
Mallow against ulcers, burns and rashes; emollient action is very useful for application in poultices against furuncles and softening of lumps.

* Mallow oil against bites and burns.
Boil a handful of mallow leaves in a cup of water and crush them with a little olive oil. Apply to the affected area.

Method of use
The leaves are used, the parts of the plant are collected at any time, preferably during the winter. Prepare a boiling drink of  the leaves in water, milk or sugar water as infusion.

* For sensitive skin: It is very soothing to the skin. To relax the skin prepare compresses by wetting a clean soft cloth in mallow tea and apply to the sensitive area. This will eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation. Mallow also helps to close the tissues and increases resistance to infections.

* For inflammation of the sinuses: To reduce swelling in the sinuses apply warm compresses in the swollen breasts.

* For earache: To relieve inflammation and earache, boil four teaspoons of mallow in a cup of water. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place your ear on this until the liquid is cool. Cover the head with a towel so that the vapors do not escape.

* For coughs and sore throats: To relieve cough, bronchitis and cold symptoms slowly drink several cups of tea mallow. Use two ounces of mallow in a cup of hot water.

* For Hemorrhoids: To relieve hemorrhoids and acelerate its healing make a tea with two to four teaspoons of mallow in a cup of boiling water. Wash with cold tea every day.

* To prepare the tea use 1-2 teaspoons of  leaves and flowers' mallow in a cup of boiling water and cover the cup or teapot letting it repose for 10-15 minutes and drain it. Drink 3 cups daily. To use the tea in compresses use 2-4 teaspoons per cup of boiling water and let cool.

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