Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mango Properties And Benefits

Mango Properties And Benefits

Shape: round, oval or kidney-shaped, with a large central seed and flattened with a woody cover.

Size: varies from 5-25 cm long and 2-10 cm thick, and weighing 150 grams ranging from up to 2 kilos.

Color: Its shell is smooth and can be green, yellow, with different pink hues,red or purple. The pulp is bright yellow to orange color.

Taste: The pulp is sticky, sweet and aromatic

Nutritional properties
High water content, provides a great deal of carbohydrates about 15% so its calorific value is high.
It is rich in potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber. For its high water content and potassium is diuretic.

The more intense is the yellow-orange color, more higher is the carotene content. For its fiber content can be laxative if its consumption is exceeded.
For all these reasons it is a fruit that is useful in adequate amounts in the diet of people with diabetes, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides ), hypertension and overweight.

Nutritional information
Portion Size: 1/2 small mango (100g )
Contribute :
* Fiber: 1.8 g
* Protein : 0.5 g
* Fat: 0.3 g
* Cholesterol: 0 g
* Sodium: 2 mg
* Potassium: 156 mg
* Vitamin C: 28 mg
* Vitamin B9 : 14 mcg
* Beta-Carotene : 445 mcg

Fresh, raw or in salads, smoothies, juices, jams and fruit desserts. To prepare hutney. Mango fruit is very nutritious and great tasting fruit. This food, from India, provides a number of benefits to the body, it facilitates digestion, combat insomnia and even effectively combat anemia. One of the first benefits of mango is its high potassium content.

This mineral is essential for people who suffer from hypertension, as its presence in the body reduces the risk of high blood pressure. It also prevents that a heart disease  getting worse. Another advantage is that potassium helps to eliminate retained fluids in the body.

Mango, like carrots and spinach, improves visual acuity and prevent night blindness. If you are listless and dejected, a mango returns the vitality you need.

Plus it protects the health of mucous membranes, gives to the skin its color and shine. In seasons cold, a mango helps to protect against colds, it reinforces the body's defenses. The properties of the mango also make excellent guard the body against infections.
However, people who suffer from anemia can also benefit from the the goodness of this fruit.

It is true that mango is not rich in iron ( basic mineral against anemia), but instead supports a lot in the functions of this mineral in the body. This is because mango is very rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and both are substances that enhance iron absorption by the body.

Healthy stomach and bronchi
Vitamin A substance that exists in mango, is essential for reproduction, growth and maintenance of the mechanisms that cause that cells from surface of the digestive tract and bronchi maintain their normal characteristics.

There is also a close relationship between the amount of vitamin A existing in the body  and the immune system's ability to respond defensively to attacks by viruses and bacteria. That is why it is known as the anti-infective vitamin.

Improve your mood with complex B.
Mango is rich in complex B, all a team of vitamins that benefit the body . One of its main benefits is that it avoids irritability and depression.

Also, calm the nervous system when it is very estressed. This super team of vitamins also helps combat fatigue and weakness.

In addition to improving your mood , this group of vitamins collaborates with maintaining body tissues and is essential for proper growth.

Benefit to the organism with fiber.
Mango  also reduces blood cholesterol. It is good for  those who want to control their weight.

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