Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Strawberries Nutritional Value Table

Strawberries properties and benefits

Strawberries are little energetic, whose main component are carbohydrates after water, with an amount of about 7% of their weight, are composed mainly of glucose, fructose and xylitol , are also a good source of fiber.

Strawberries have different nutritional properties, and one of them and very important is their antioxidant function to absorb free radicals that can cause diseases, illnesses and disorders in the body.

The roots are purgative, their decoction for treatment of kidney an gout diseases and also to skin problems as the chilblains. Regarding the leaves, help relieve indigestion and tonsillitis.

They are very rich in vitamin C, with a higher percentage that has orange. A half portion of strawberries, 150g- 200g, containing on average 90 mg of vitamin C , while a medium orange has 240g , having an average of about 85 mg . In either case (strawberry or orange) , the recommended daily intake for this vitamin are about 60 mg, are more than overtaken.

Contains minerals: iron and iodine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus,magnesium. Moreover, its low contribution to sodium and high potassium content means that they are indicated in people with hypertension.

Strawberries contain various organic acids, among which are: citric acid whose disinfectant action and urine alkalizing effect, enhances the action of vitamin C , malic acid, oxalic acid, and also contain small amounts of salicylic acid. For this reason, those people that presenting intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid; more commonly known as aspirin, should avoid them.

Strawberry color is due to plant pigments called flavonoids known as anthocyanins . Anthocyanins act as powerful antioxidants.

In this sense, if we consider that the oxidative process results in the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries, and is produced by aging and certain cancer mutations, it can be concluded that strawberries have a significant preventive effect on the welfare of the organism.

Strawberries are one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant capacity, which is not only due to its content of anthocyanins, but also to the presence in their composition of important amounts of polyphenols and vitamin C.We can see more detail the strawberries nutriconal value in the following table:

Remedies with strawberries
For tonsillitis: 3 grams of strawberry leaves in a cup of water, boil for 5 minutes. When at room temperature should make  gargle several times a day.

For rheumatism : Take four large or eight small strawberries, washing them, place them with two cups of water, liquefy them well. It can be taken once in the day, preferably with an empty stomach.

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