Thursday, January 30, 2014

Walking Barefoot Is Beneficial For Health

Significant benefits of walking barefoot - (continuation)

What happens when we absorb free electrons from the earth?
The scientific theory behind the health benefits seen by this simple practice is that because the earth has one more negative charge that your body, you end up absorbing electrons.

This well established,although not well known understanding that the surface of the earth has a constant and unlimited supply of free electrons as consequence of a global atmospheric electric circuit.

The shoes with insulating soles and / or sleep in beds that are isolated from the electrical surface of the earth, has caused that many people are disconnected from the electrical rhythms of the earth and the free electrons.

A recent article demonstrated that connect the body to the earth during sleep ( earthing ) normalizes the daily cortisol rhythm and improves sleep. A variety of other benefits were reported, including a decrease in pain and inflammation.

Subsequent studies have confirmed these findings and have documented past clinical and psychological effects almost immediately after your body has had contact with the ground.

For simplicity, it is believed that the flow of free electrons from the surface of the earth help neutralize free radicals and thus reduce chronic inflammation and acute, which is the root of many health conditions and accelerated aging.

The review of research shows significant benefits of Earthing.
In a new article published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health , researchers conducted the research process of Earthing, which revealed an impressive impact on various health conditions.

Most of the studies included methods of internal tests that simulated being barefoot outside. It was found that this help to improve the following conditions:

The researchers wrote that, another invaluable benefit is that when your body touches the ground, the electric potential regulates by the electric potential of the earth through a transfer of electrons going from the earth to your body.

This in turn provides protection against electromagnetic fields that are ubiquitous in the environment.

The study performed by Richard Feynman who won the Nobel Prize for his conference in electromagnetism, confirm that the effect of  protection by the contac of your body with the earth.

Feynman said that when the potential of your body is the same as the electric potential of the earth, it becomes an extension of the giant electrical system of the earth. Then the potential of the earth becomes in the functional agent that reduces and removes  or sets aside the electrical fields of your body.

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