Monday, December 30, 2013

Aloe Vera and Its Action Against Cancer-2

Aloe (Aloe vera , Aloe arborescens , etc )

As for the preparation of a home remedy using aloe , it is recommended to doing the following process:

We will collect aloe leaves, with an attitude of gratitude toward the plant, we should not forget that it is a living being that offers its healing powers, and like everything to be alive, is sensitive to our attitude toward it. The leaves must be in good condition and come from plants from 4 or 5 years.

This operation must be done in times of low sunlight. Likewise try to avoid exposing the aloe to the light during preparation process, to prevent that its chemical components degrade. The number of sheets to be used is two or more  in such  way that add a minimum length of one meter, placed one after the other.

Pure aloe vera gel
Then, we will remove the spiny leaf edges with a knife and clean it with a dry cloth without wetting them. Proceed to divide them without removing the green coating and pass through the blender.

We mix it with half kg ( 500 g ) of pure honey and 50 ml. ( 5 tablespoons ) of some drink alcohol such as brandy . Do not boil. We will keep the mixture in a dark glass  bottle,  we will cover it and retain in a place where where there is not plenty of light.

Alcohol has a vasodilating effect, and honey performs the function of compounds' carrier present in the aloe, such that the active principles are distributed to all   body parts.

Take three tablespoons daily, half an hour before meals. It is always better to prepare yourself remedy, it is the best way to ensure good quality of the product and its natural origin. If that is not possible, we should acquire the preparation from a specific brand with the maximum purity's guarantees.

There are prepared based on pure aloe ready to take them. In that case, we can perform the mixture with the same proportions mentioned above in relation to alcohol and honey, and using about 300 dl. (0.3 liters) of Aloe juice.

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