Monday, December 30, 2013

Aloe Vera and Its Action Against Cancer-1

Aloe (Aloe vera, Aloe arborescens, etc.)

This is a plant used since ancient times mainly for healing wounds and digestive problems.

Pure aloe vera
The active principles of this plant are numerous, and its action is highly synergistic, that is, the combination of these substances has a stronger effect than the separate aplication of each of them.

Regards to cancer highlights the acemannan, a compound present in aloe, with marked anticancer action. The yellowish liquid from the leaf green part is called an aperitif substance also used as a laxative or purgative, according to the amount used. The rest of the leaf is formed by the known aloe gel.

Aloe vera and cancer
Romano Zago was the monk who popularized the use of aloe to treat cancer. On one occasion, the monk was required to administer the last rites to a dying cancer patient.

He did not receive any medical treatment; doctors had sent him to "dying home". Zago told the patient's wife  that he knew a remedy to cure cancer.

With the astonished eyes of the family, the patient was treated with aloe, and the abdominal lower tumor  with the tennis ball size was treated,ended up disappearing and the patient returned to his duties healthy farmer. Many other cases followed to this. Romano Zago 's fame was spread worldwide.

A part of the healing effects in cancer, aloe is an excellent body vitalizing  and defenses. In particular the acemannan is a lymphocytes activator.

Aloe externally applied is an excellent remedy for skin, and is also recommended for treating skin burns caused by X -rays or radiation treatments.

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