Monday, December 30, 2013

Natural Product Anticarcinogenic

Foods That Prevent Cancer

We have already seen the healthy diet anticancer properties. Foods like lemon, carrot, garlic, onion, soy, grapes, celery, cabbage, etc, are an extremely effective medicine to cleanse and strengthen the body. Hence it is not necessary take healing supplements out of the diet.


This is true when we talk about prevention, but whenis  presented the need for treatment , all kinds of aid are good. Therefore we will present below a series of natural products with strong anticancer action that may be useful to us.

Healing products
The healing products from nature have nothing to envy to the official medicine chemical preparation, because in fact, these latter are based on countless molecules present in medicinal plants. Is the case of Taxol, Yew extracted; Etoposide, extracted from Podophyllum; Vinblastine and Vincristine, extracted from the vicarious, etc.

In contrast, chemotherapy products do have to envy to the natural products, since these latter, as being more effective do not cause unpleasant drugs side effects.

However, although natural remedies have no side effects, it is necessary to know the appropriate dose in each case, the plant parts used, etc. A misuse of these remedies can have serious consequences.

For example, it is easy to confuse parsley (Petroselinum crispum) with hemlock (Conium maculatum), and although it is a natural product, we can die from consuming it.

Thus, it is always advisable consult a health professional before venturing to collect a plant to use for medicinal purposes. It is also advisable to take into account if the plant you wish to use is or is not being threatened or endangered species

If it is so, try to avoid harvesting and in any other way will t get its healing effects,planting seeds in our home, acquiring the product in specialty shops. If we want the Nature help us heal, it is essential do not harm her.

Although we can prepare ourselves the remedy if we know where it grows in abundance, it is possible to buy the product in specialty stores, based intablets, capsules, etc.In this case we must always ensure that the product is 100% natural and it was not added any synthetic component.

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