Monday, December 30, 2013

Comfrey For Treating Cancer

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

In the magazine "Let's Live " from October to December 1958 , Dr. H. E. Kirschner wrote an extraordinary article entitled " Comfrey " .On it details the healing powers of this wonderful plant, and its role in cancer treatment.

In that article, citing, inter alia, a case happened in 1719 in which a person suffering from a malignant ulcer had been evicted by doctors. Was applied comfrey root peeled and crushed on the ulcer twice daily, cancer disappeared in less than ten weeks.

The same Dr. Kirschner could check the comfrey healing effects . On one occasion he was called beside the bed of a young woman who had a malignant cancer of about 13 x 15 cm. Doctor recommended applying compresses made with fresh comfrey leaves several times a day. At 24 hours of the first application, had gone all unpleasant smell( malignancy ).

At 48 hours, the recessive process became evident. In approximately 3 weeks , the living flesh was covered by a layer of healthy aspect. The pains also disappeared. According to Dr. Kirschner, comfrey leaves should be used in external tumors cases ( melanomas, etc. ). For internal tumors, use the decoction of the plant root.

The leaves  should be collected fresh, mash them and apply as a compress. This must be done several times a day. Regarding the root, it should be preferably fresh, and may be prepared by cleaning, chop it and boiling in water . Be sufficient 30 grams of root in one water liter. This decoction is more effective than leaf infusion for internal use.

The daily dose is a full glass. Caution should be doing in the use of this plant through internal way, especially over long periods, as it can be toxic to the liver. It is essential to consult a qualified  professional to oversee the treatmentif if we choose to ingest it.

It should not be difficult to find fresh plant, as anyone can easily cultivate it in the garden or in a potsherd. The anticancer iprinciple present in comfrey is called allantoin.

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