Monday, December 30, 2013

Other Plants For Cancer Treatment-1

Other Anticancer Plants

There are other plants that can help us in the cancer  treatment, such as sassafras ( Sassafras officinalis ), turmeric (Curcuma longa), the apancholida or alcáncer ( Cuphea aequipetala ) or green tea ( Camellia sinensis). We also note the following:

Mistletoe ( Viscum album)
Have discovered some proteins called lectins, existing in mistletoe which have a destructive effect on tumoral cells. A part of this cytolytic effect,lectins stimulate especially the thymus gland, which is known it is vital for the immune system, for in it, T lymphocytes suffer an essential transformation to become active.

Mistletoe plant also activates cell defenses. Berries should be discarded because they are toxic, will be used only leaves: infusion of 15 grams of dried leaves per liter of water, it should be take two cups. You can also macerate 20 grams of dried leaves in a pint of cold water overnight. After be filtered consume the next day in 3 or 4 times.

Lapacho tree ( Tabebuia ipetiginosa )
Lapacho bark's inner layer  (also called pau d' Arco ) has been used for centuries to treat cancer. In the American magazine "Let's Live" , an article appeared in February 1985 in which it could read , referring to

Lapacho : "In the past 20 years, several reports from doctors and patients have indicated that this bark, ingested (usually in tea ), has cured terminal leukemia. "

And, " has been shown as an effective analgesic, sedative, decongestant,diuretic and hypotensive ." An important Lapacho action is a reduction in the unpleasant and painful symptoms caused by chemotherapy. Furthermore, there is evidence that combining its intake with chemotherapy, the action of this is enhanced.

Its immune system reinforcing action is remarkable, being used this remedy for all types of diseases in which the role of the organic defenses is important. It is a good natural antibiotic.

There are many varieties of this tree, especially in America ( north to south ), but only the variety ipetiginosa Tabebuia has been shown effective against cancer, and only the cortex inner layer, which we will be cautious when we want buy it.

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