Monday, December 30, 2013

Other Plants For Cancer Treatment-2

The National Cancer Institute of the United States reported the red clover antitumor properties. One of the institute's researchers noted that 33 countries around the world used it to fight cancer from long ago. Laboratory tests confirmed that the plant contains four antitumor agents :

genistein, daidzein , tocopherol and vitamin E. It is anti-inflammatory , sedative and diuretic . Ii is recommended  in infusion or decoction: boiling 30 grams of leaves and / or flowers per liter of water, from which it will take up to 5 cups a day.

It can produce some mild diarrhea, but it is indicative of its cleaning effectiveness. Because of its estrogen content is not recommended for pregnant women, until  have fully investigated its possible abortifacient effects .

Natural estrogens do not create hormonal imbalances,thing that can do the  synthetics, for its quality and concentration.

Cat's claw ( Uncaria tomentosa )
 It is an excellent remedy to prevent and cure cancer. It is a potent immune system strengthener. Contains various antitumor components, and reduced the size of visible tumors in the short space of 2 weeks. Has significant antileukemic properties. Also relieves symptoms caused by chemotherapy.

Chaparral (Larrea tridentata)
Despite its contrasting anticancer effects, can make some collateral hepatotoxic effect, so its use is not yet fully recommended, at least until  investigate more deeply about its possible dangerousness.

Greater celandine ( Chelidonium major)
Have antimitotic properties. We can prepare an infusion of 10 to 15 g  of crushed leaves or roots, per liter of water, of which one or two cups will be consumed.

Mandrake ( Podophyllum peltatum )
Also called podophyllum. Presents the same type of properties that greater celandine as regard to cancer. Contains a substance called etoposide, which chemotherapy used alone, especially in cases of testicular cancer and lung. Very high doses of this plant can cause severe diarrhea.

Vicar (Vinca rosea)
This is another plant with antimitotic properties. Containing vinblastine and vincristine, two substances used in chemotherapy, particularly for sarcomas, lymphomas (Hodgkin's disease , etc ) And leukemias. In fact, in the Middle Ages was known the antitumor effect of this plant.

Ginseng ( Panax ginseng)
Some studies about  the root of this plant suggest that may delay the colorectal cancer development, besides possessing other anticancer properties.

Kelp ( Laminaria japonica)
It is an original alga from Japan. It helps the recovery of  damaged cells because  radiotherapy treatments. It is also a good remineralizing.

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