Thursday, December 26, 2013

Detoxifier Diet And Benefits-1

Detoxifier Diet

For that life to be processed in perfect health state is necessary that the body develops to perfection each and every one of its mechanisms, of which the vast majority are completely unknown to us ( even if it hurts recognize ).

Nutrients assimilation and elimination of morbid substances are two of the most important functions that the body must develop to keep its vital energy.

Nutrients are obtained by the body primarily through food and drink we consume and the air we breathe. Once these foods are eaten, the same body, true living laboratory, is responsible for separating, break down and manage everything properly to ensure proper supply of all necessary substances to all organs.

This assimilation process is a priority within the organic functions, as the metabolic burden is constant and must be continually replaced cells, tissues, etc.

But to carry out digestion through the digestive system, the body consumes a certain amount of energy, larger or smaller depending on the amount and food composition. Indeed, liver, stomach, pancreas and intestines work together to this end spending each corresponding energy quantity.

In parallel, another important mechanism for the elimination or excretion, also develops continuously, since metabolites or waste generated by metabolism , are generated continuously.

Elimination systems, mainly kidneys, liver, skin and intestines, work according to the energy at their disposal. Since digestion consumes a lot of energy and this process is a priority, the removal will be much less effective if we overload the digestive system. Not only that, but also, an overloaded and feverish digestive system is in itself a source of toxins.

But what happens when we interrupt food intake? The energy amount assigned to the digestio is freed for other uses. Gradually , the organism assigns to other processes, especially elimination, and that's when begin to occur cleansing crisis. Numerous toxic compounds which for years our body had loaded and stored in various parts of the body ( such as uric acid in the joints ) and in the blood begin to be effectively eliminated.

This causes discomfort, which is common that during fasting occur unpleasant or painful symptoms. This should be interpreted primarily as the the disease worsening until now latent.

The symptoms are a sign that we are starting to get rid of these morbid substances that our body had loaded since God knows when.

Fasting is tremendously healing. Consists in remove all food, consuming only water and tea. 2 or 3 liters per day are recommended. Many chronic diseases have submitted due to  fasting. But even so, it is a method that should always be done under medical surveillance for the risks involved.

Fortunately there are other methods to get the healing power of fasting without suppressing its benefits.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   | 

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