Thursday, December 26, 2013

Detoxifier Diet And Benefits-2

Detoxifier Diet

The basic nutrients that our body needs are mainly proteins, fats,carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The energy amount consumed in digestion depends greatly on the foods composition.

Thus, as the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are easily assimilated, fats and proteins require more expensive process by the body.

Taking advantage of this fact, there are certain purification diets, also called cures, based solely on water  and fat free from proteins and foods. Thus, we obtain the benefits of fasting without losing the intake of vitamins, minerals and sugars, which are more volatile elements and require  more quick replacement.

The body usually has sufficient fat and protein reserves for extended time intervals.

To start a cure will require that the organism previously has sufficient reserves and does not suffer any nutrient deficiency. We should note also that during the duration of this diet we should abstain from physical exercise because the body lacks the habitual vital force. The best times to do it, may be the periods when we should not work.

The bowel should be cleansed before starting the treatment. If we have not regularly evacuated prior to the start, we can dip into the enema. It is important that remain  the least possible waste in the gut before starting the treatment, but anyway, once begun, any remaining dirt will be easily removed.

Do not suddenly start the cure. Transition will be gradual: for three or four days ( or more if deemed appropriate ) , we will have a vegetarian diet, gradually decreasing the dose of protein and fat until suppress it altogether. We will do the cure, and once completed, will return to normal eating also gradually, through a few days of transition.
The key is to drink plenty of water or tea throughout the process, to help the body remove and clean.

Weight loss is a normal symptoms if we practice one of these cures, as the body consumes nutrients from its own reserves, it is called autophagy. Apart from consuming these reservations, many morbid substances are also excreted .

Also, it is extremely detrimental for the treatment or cancer prevention is overweight, as seen above, which makes this method an excellent remedy against cancer.

It is interesting make simultaneous detox diets with cleansing hydrotherapy practices, of which we will speak more later. Generally cures are constituted by fruits or fruit juices.Out of it you should only drink water or tea. In future articles we will see some cure's  examples.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   | 

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