Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lemons Cure For Cancer Treatment

Lemon Cure The Best Cleanse

The antioxidant lemon power  makes it a food particularly interesting for cancer treatment. The first day of cure (presumably after the days of transition) will be taken juice of three lemons.

For example you can take the first in the morning, the second in the afternoon and the third at night. The second day will be five lemons, distributed as best consider.

Lemon remedy
The third day, seven lemons, and so will continue adding two lemons daily until the eighth day we take the juice of 17 lemons, always freshly squeezed.

It can be distributed, for example, taking 2 or 3 lemons every 2 or 3 hours, but each person can design your program takes.

From the eighth day subtract two lemons daily , ie 15 lemons the ninth day, reaching 3 lemons on the 15th.It will continue with the transition period and will give the cure terminated. The increase and subsequent decrease in the number of lemons can be 3 or 4, instead of 2, as may be appropriate.

Lemon, despite its acidity is a very rich fruit bases, thereby counteracts acids and is in an apparent contradiction, a good remedy for heartburn.

However, in a weak stomach lemon could produce a nasty action, even if hold its first attack will endure and strengthen the stomach against future intakes. There is not in nature a purifying cleanser product than  lemon juice.

This cure has a drawback: the lemon drag many toxic materials, but can also result in demineralization that could be problematic. That is why it is recommended to take some food that contains minerals. In this case , you can make a pot of vegetable soup (cabbage, celery , onion, etc. . ) And drink it during the day.

For example , you may want to take one or more bowls corresponding to the timing of meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

We will take care to distance as much as possible the time of  the broth take with the  time of  the lemon take for the lemon acts alone, without mixing. It is also very useful to complement the broth with horsetail infusion( Equisetum arvensis ) for its remineralizing power.

To avoid the damage that can result from lemon in tooth enamel , it can eat your juice through a straw, or by a jug or similar. In any case , you should rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after each take. After the curing period is complete, we should refrain from lemon eat during a season.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |  

 We can see the seventh section of this book in this link

 Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal

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