Monday, December 30, 2013

Grape Cure And Other Cures

Grape Cure And Natural Cures

Is carried out only eating grapes during the cure period. The amount will depend on each person. You can distribute the intakes in four or five meals, and eat as many grapes as we want (without ever gorging, of course).

Can only drink water or tea, but outside of meals. The duration will be one or two weeks maximum.

Like all cures, can be repeated as many times as you need, obviously leaving some time between them to allow the body to recharge again.

The grape cure has proven to be one of the most effective against cancer,having been produced tumor healings only using this method. Indeed, the seeds and skin of grapes have significant anti-cancer properties, especially thanks to the antioxidants that contain.

Other cures
We can use all kinds of fruits to perform a cure. You can eat varied fruit based for several days, or take only one type of fruit (pears only, or only apples, etc..), So that the cure is called mono diet. In any case, you should always drink plenty of water, but will always be outside the foods.

A general recommendation for all (healthy and sick) is to reserve one day a week to eat only fruit for give the body a break and keep clean digestive tract, thus avoiding internal fever.

Exist other cures that replace fruits by other elements rich in sugar, minerals and vitamins. An example of this is the whey cure or syrup  maple sap.

Special Diets

There are certain diets, without reaching the cures degree, are highly purifying. This is not specific diets, but feeding styles.

An example of this is the raw food cleansing diet, consisting only from fruit and raw vegetables (salads). Another example is macrobiotics, based exclusively on whole grains, legumes, vegetables and seaweed.

They are really healing diets, recommended for many pathologies,but personally do not recommend them at all as a lifestyle, because these are not balanced.

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