Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Free Radicals Effects And Antioxidants-2

Antioxidants and free radicals-2

Vitamin C
There are many functions that makes this compound in our body. Present basically in acidic fruits,it is a potent anticancer protector, as appear to show dozens of studies in worldwide.

Besides its antioxidant action, is an immune system strengthener. It also plays an important role as a liver detoxifier.

Exist substances called nitrosamines formed in the intestinal tract as a result of the interaction between the nitrates and nitrites present in the food and digestive juices amines. These resulting compounds are possibly carcinogenic.

Vitamin C blocks forming these nitrosamines in the digestive tract, protecting again tumor formations. Nitrites and nitrates can be found in many fruits and vegetables ( which also provide neutralizing vitamin C ), and smoked and cured foods.

It has been found that smoked foods can cause cancer, especially gastric due to a powerful carcinogen called benzopyrene.

Vitamin E
This is the most effective antioxidant against free radicals. Like vitamin C, is a immune system strengthening  and blocks the nitrosamines formation.

Folic acid
Although there are not very concrete data, it appears that folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) helps fight certain cancer types, especially colorectal cancer. It is curious that in the Middle Ages it was used with great bread yeast ( rich in vitamin B) to "reduce the lumps".

Vitamin supplements

The best way to take vitamins is through food, especially fruits and vegetables. Therefore we should have a preference for this form of vitamins in detriment of laboratory vitamin preparations. There are numerous studies demonstrating the ineffectiveness of these preparations compared to natural products rich in vitamins.

According to two studies conducted respectively by the National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Public Health Institute of Finland, synthetic vitamin supplements off the diet do not have protection function against cancer.


It has been seen that in areas where the soil is rich in selenium there is less incidence of cancer. In these areas, the vegetables can absorb it, thereby increasing human consumption of this element. Experiences  in laboratory have confirmed this hypothesis. Would be interesting to fertilize the soil with some natural product rich in selenium, to increase the plants' anticancer power.

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 We can see the sixth section of this book in this link

 Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal

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