Thursday, December 26, 2013

Zinc And Enzymes Against Free Radicals-1


Zinc is an essential element for good cell divisions quality. It is necessary for the formation of over 100 different enzymes. Promotes B lymphocytes formation.  Zinc deficiency causes thymus gland atrophy.

For all these reasons it is a vital element for the immune system. A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed that animals fed on a diet low in zinc are more likely to get cancer than those who have been fed with plenty of zinc.

The biochemical compounds called enzymes are basic to ensure the vital functions of each and every one of our vital organs. If we consider the body as a chemical factory, we realize the enzymes' importance, because they are necessary to ensure all actions and biochemical reactions that occur in it.

Neither vitamins or minerals, or proteins, or any nutrient could be used effectively by body if not for enzymes. The immune system also needs them to carry out its functions in defense.

If a fall occurs at the enzymes level in the body, the immune system is weakened. The enzymes also act against free radicals.

Since enzymes have a limited life, must be replaced regularly. How? There are nine basic enzymes from food, which the organism is responsible for ansforming into more than 3,000 different varieties of them for different purposes.

The enzymes' formation by the body depends of the person vitality, for example, has been observed that on average people over 70 have in their body half enzymes that young people with 20 year olds.

Unfortunately when cooking foods at temperatures above 48 ° C , occurs the enzymes' destruction. That is why we recommend taking raw vegetables and unprocessed, natural whenever possible.

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