Thursday, December 26, 2013

Zinc And Enzymes Against Free Radicals-2


Due the manipulation to which are subjected industrial foods, little enzymes arrive intact the final product. We stress once again the need to consume as much natural food as possible and less manipulated.

Dr. Ernst Freund could check that in the cancer patients blood that studied were missing 3 important enzymes. Recent research has uncovered the role of two of these enzymes, one of which is very important in antitumor struggle, considering that the tumors are wrapped in a layer of fibrin to avoid recognition by the immune system, the role of this enzyme is very useful because its presence causes the generation of macrophages that break this fibrin layer, thus leaving the tumor at the mercy of natural killer cells.

It has been tested with additional contributions from enzymes in a large number of people, without having observed any side effects, since enzymes are not drugs but rather food.

This supplement revealed, according to Dr. A. E. eskovar a 700% increase in the number of macrophages, and 1.300 % in the number of lymphocytes murderers.

Studies performed in Europe have shown that by using enzymes can stop the early tumors growth, orally administered by injecting the compound enzyme in the tumor.

Dr. Chin Po Kim, renowned immunologist, cited a total mortality of 23% in cancer's patients treated solely based in enzyme supplements.

This is about the same cipher as present in the patients treated with the conventional methods of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, with the important difference that the enzyme treatment does not produce the unpleasant side effects of the conventional methods.

At the same time, other studies have shown that enzymes use in conjunction with chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy significantly improves the patient response and reduces the allopathic treatment's side effects.

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