Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Health With Diet And Natural Balance-4

Natural Diet -4

* Do not eat meat or fish more than necessary. At this point, It is better to sin by default than by excess.

* Eat raw food before cooked within the same meal.

* Go to bed with an empty stomach as possible.

* Do not fill the stomach at all within meals.

* No snacking.

It is important to balance the nutrients supply, without going into fanaticism. Small imbalances are easily compensated effectively by our bodies:nothing in the world a laboratory as perfect as our own body.

Whenever we move between reasonable limits, we have the health on our side.

A good diet could be based on fruit (fresh, acid and dry ), salads, olive oil, brown rice, whole grain breads and cereals. To a lesser extent, dried legumes, oleaginous fruits ( walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.), Honey, tubers, etc.

For salad dressings, it is best olive oil or lemon juice, vinegar seems to have a negative effect on red blood cells, so should not be used.

They are also healthy, in moderation, dairy products and eggs. You can supplement the diet with meat and fish as the body needs.

Fruits should be eaten with the skin, since in it resides much of their nutrients , but if we do not know the exact origin of the fruit or the treatments that have been made, proceed to washing, or even dispense with skin.

In the case of vegetables, also will wash them well but not leaving them to soak, as water would absorb some of their nutrients: it is best to be washed under running water.

It is highly advisable to avoid using cookware made with aluminum or copper (pots, pans, etc. ) . As for the salt, it is best to ignore it completely because a healthy balanced diet provide the necessary minerals to the body.

In case you not being able do without it, the best is the sea salt obtained by distillation of sea water, and even so, its use should be as moderate as possible.

Drinks ( or foods ) very hot can produce in some cases esophageal cancer. Nor should we take very cold foods. Anyway, as I said above, there is no perfect diet for everyone, and each person must search what is healthier, being essential to exclude self-deception.

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