Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Health With Diet And Natural Balance-3

Natural Diet-3

Anyway, it is advisable to refrain entirely from taking meat and fish of any kind during cancer therapy. The vegetarian diet, optionally supplemented with some eggs and milk, is very cleansing. Furthermore, at the level of prevention we must not abolish meat entirely, as we explained.

Body cleansing diet

Regarding fish, it is very advisable to be included in the diet, especially the blue,as we shall see later. Anyway, we should not abuse from this protein.

In short, although this written is not intended to give a deep ( for that much published material already exists ) dietary explanation, in my poit of view we should follow a diet primarily composed of plant products, supplemented occasionally with meat and especially, fish, which depending on the individual, it may be once a week, once a month, once a year, etc.

A balanced diet
We must try to discover what the body asks us every moment. Some general tips:

* Using ingredients of the highest possible quality, reliable sources ( natural).

* The fluid intake should be high, being the best drink natural water. This will favor the excretion and  body cleaning.

* Do not drink too much during meals, as this reduces the gastric acid effectiveness.

* Vegetables should be eaten raw wherever possible , to avoid vitamins denaturation and mineral loss. If we decide cook, it is better to steam..

* Eating fruits and vegetables of the season, avoiding, where possible, greenhouse products or cold store.

* Do not consume refined products, but rather integral (cereals, flour and rice). Refined extract from grain vitamins, minerals and fiber, leaving only carbohydrate, atrophying the intestines.

* Avoid products completely cured, smoked, prepared, precooked and sausages of all kinds. The food should be as similar as the Nature delivery.

* Consume the less sugar better. You can well do without this element, because a balanced diet already contains enough sugars. for sweetening, it's best honey. Artificial sweeteners are harmful to health (aspartame, saccharin, etc..).

* Avoid stimulants such as coffee, chocolate or colas.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

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