Monday, December 23, 2013

Medical official Methods For Cancer-1

Scientific and technological advances that has experienced surgery in recent times represent, in my view, the most commendable achievement that modern science has achieved for Humanity.

The risks associated with surgical procedures have had a dramatic decline thanks to new knowledge and new techniques.

In the case of cancerous tumors, the removal of these by surgery is often performed in a highly efficient manner.

However, most interventions that are practiced daily throughout the world (not just the tumors removal) could be avoided bringing a healthy and natural life.

Moreover, in the case of cancer, such intervention may in some cases increase the metastasis risk of tumor that try to remove. The risks evaluation and surgery benefits should always be evaluated by a good doctor.

The term is used to designate chemotherapy treatment for cancer through a series of compounds which act specifically against the rapidly developing cells such as cancer. There are more than 50 drugs in this class. Therapy consists of (oral , intramuscular or intravenous) application with one or more combination  of these compounds.

The fundamental characteristic of these is, as we have said , that attack rapidly growing cells. Thus, tumors are harmed by chemotherapy action.

Chemotherapy side effects
The side effects of this therapy are harmful by the fact that in the body there are other cells which grow rapidly and are not part of any tumor. We are talking mainly of the hairy cells, those belonging to the immune system, the gastrointestinal epithelium, red blood cells and sperm.

Accordingly, chemotherapy can lead to total hair loss, anemia  drastic reduction of the immune response, vomiting, nause, diarrhea, etc, Besides the logic organic poisoning. These effects disappear when therapy is interrupted, leaving sequels on occasions.

Often, chemotherapy is precisely what makes the cancer in a horrible and painful illness, it reduces considerably the patients' life quality. Dr. M. Moss, after more than 25 years researching cancer, concluded that chemotherapy does not prolong the  patient life.

The same personal physician of former president of United States Ronald Reagan, once said that chemotherapy destroys tumors but also to the patient.

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