Monday, December 23, 2013

Medical Official Methods For Cancer-2

In addition, it is noteworthy that although these substances attack cancer cells, they can produce a carcinogenic effect on body  healthy cells, with a small additional risk factor for development a new tumor.

We can cite the example of Tamoxifen, a drug used to prevent the new breast cancers formation, but at the same time increases the chance of developing uterine cancer.

Chemotherapy sessions are run in batches, to promote natural recovery of healthy cells in rest periods.

These recover more quickly than cancer, and thus the tumor loses its strength until it removed.

Radiation therapy is the high-energy radiation (X -rays or gamma rays ) over particular area where the cancerous tumor is located. As in the case of chemotherapy, radiation attacks aggressively the cancer cells, but has the disadvantage of act adversely on normal cells on which also radiation is incident

It is unavoidable affecting the tumor tissue adjacent although is limited to the maximum the exposure area to the radiation beam.

Effects of radiation therapy

Thus, healthy cells that are radiated increase their susceptibility to generate a new cancerous mutation. Once the possible tumor is eradicated by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the patient leaves the treatment, but body is considerably more intoxicated and weak before starting treatment.

If the patient does not remove the cause that produced the tumor that has been eradicated (or removed by surgery ), has a good chance of falling below a new tumor formation. Therefore from the natural medicine's point of view, to the leave the therapy will remain ill, unless patient devote effort to preserve health through healthy life and according to the nature laws.

For those who have successfully completed (or not) a chemotherapeutic treatment, radiotherapy, or a combination of both, or has suffered the tumor removal , prevention is even more advisable for any person who has never had the disease.

The most important thing is not attack the cancer itself ,but rather radically eliminate  the cause that produces it.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

 We can see the fifth section of this book in this link

 Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal 

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