Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thermal Imbalance Diagnose

Internal Fever

We can know if we suffer external fever because its symptoms are evident on many occasions, and we also have a thermometer, but how can we know if we have internal fever?  Normally gastrointestinal congestion is asymptomatic, unless that we suffer abdominal pains.

Dr. Lezaeta indicates that the pulse shows the existence of such fever. Thus, for an adult, exceed 70 beats per minute can be a sign of internal congestion.

However this diagnosis can not be successful in many cases, therefore we should use other systems.

Dirt or tongue cleaning is another good system.A perfectly pink tongue indicates the digestive tract cleansing, while a dirty tongue, whitish, indicates congestion and gastrointestinal dirt.

We should note that the tongue tip corresponds to the stomach, the middle part to the small intestine and the background the large intestine.

Iris diagnosis
We have another diagnostic system: iridology. I do not intend to deepen in this method, because would require a separate book. Anyway, through the iris is fairly easy to diagnose internal congestion or fever. If you look at the graph in the figure 1, which represents an iris, we can see several concentric zones: in the center is the pupil, hole through which light enters in the ocular globe.

Figure 1

Around the pupil, about 1/3 distance between the pupil and iris edge, is located what is called the iris crown or  autonomous nervous crown. Anatomically called "Fuchs angle". The crown is formed by a arteries circle and veins, and has more or less raised, being clear in some iris or virtually nil in others.

Area between the flange and the crown pupil is corresponding to the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, in brown iris, if we appreciate that this area is visibly darker than the rest of the iris we can conclude that there is more or less dirt and gastrointestinal congestion, and consequently internal fever.

Pigmented iris

In non-pigmented iris ( blue or green), this dirt can be seen as a digestive tract pigmentation which is stained from different color than the rest of the iris. Anyway it may be the case of partial heterochrome, ie , pigmented areas and non-pigmented areas, without implying necessarily any congestion.

This type of diagnosis is highly effective but complex. If you do not have much experience in this technique should not look for other signs in the iris than we have indicated, then we could do a misdiagnosis . Not all spots indicate pathology, which should take into account only the digestive tract condition regarding its possible congestion.

As an anecdote, there is a sign which shows the gastrointestinal fever importance: there are often dark radial lines starting from the crown. These are called solar rays, originating in the iris' digestive tract, and at the end in any more outside.

If we consider that in the iris all body's parts are reflected, sunlight will indicate how intestinal fever (indicated in the iris as a dark inner circle) can affect any other body organ . When we clean the digestive tract, the Sun's rays disappear and therefore the affected organ is healed.

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