Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Healing Fever A Healing Mechanism

Natural Healing Fever

As we mentioned before, external fever which affects all the body, is a healing mechanism.

Actually, most spontaneous tumor remissions which good documentation is available are preceded diseases that have caused high fever.

The fever cleansing power is evident. Instead of inhibit it, we should promote it if we want to maintain a good health. Anyway we must preventthat that reaches values hazardous through hydrotherapeutic applications.

It has been proven that the human body generates in response to certain types of toxins, a substance called tumoral necrotizing factor (TNF ), which generally produces fever.

This substance acts directly on some types of cancerous tumors. It is experimentally proved that the tumors growth is much slower (and even recessive) when a fever is.

Currently, body TNF inoculationin  is made therapeutically, but cautiously, as it presents some contraindications.

The best,as always, is to be the same organism who reacts against evil.Currently, many health professionals are diverting their researchs into the fever phenomenon to cure cancer.

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