Natural Diet-1
Hippocrates said , " food is your medicine,be only your medicine the food." Moses Maimonides, the twelfth century philosopher , wrote:
"Any disease that can be cured by diet should not be treated in any other way".
If these trends are presented as the best food, how can we know which is the most perfect diet that exists?
Montignac, Adamski, frugivorousness, vegetarianism, raw food, carnivorism, macrobiotic, omnivorism, lacto ovo vegetarianism, and so on each
" little professor " has a " booklet ". What is the perfect " booklet "?
Personally I think like everything in life, there is no ideal diet. Each person has a different metabolism, although we always move within common parameters.
Thus, we can think that each person will have an ideal diet, although this, of course will have an important common denominator for everyone.
We can look at statistical data related to the meat consumption and fish, for example. According to these studies, vegetarian communities have fewer cancers than other people usually eat meat and fish.
We have a starting point. It is best not to consume these foods regularly. We continue to move forward in this field : another study, by the University of Heidelberg, revealed the following:
vegetarians who occasionally skip their dietary standard and rarely eat meat or fish, suffer still less tumors than strict vegetarians. Well, according to this, it seems that we should not remove meat and fish from our diet drastically.
So what is the dose of meat or fish that we consume? As already discussed above, each person have a different metabolism, and we must try to find the dose of meat and fish we should consume.
We can listen to our bodies (not our gluttony) to know when and how much we should consume certain foods. Possible effects of excess or defect from meat, may be, as I could go watching:
* Meat Excess: rheumatism, gout, arthritic, kidney and gallstones, heart disease, urea and blood acidity, nervousness, apathy, sluggishness, depression, aggressiveness, sexual over-activity, etc.
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