Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Air As Medicament-2

Air Our First Medicine

But if we start to shake, is why we are not strong enough to withstand the cold aggression, which we take shelter more, but not to become too hot under the shelter : we should feel the cold and overcome it.

The question is to find that balance that allows us to strengthen thanks to the cold.

Applying this technique correctly begin to notice that being increasingly prepared against weather, the required amount of clothing decreases. In this state, your body will be much more prepared to fight against infections and all kinds of pathological problems.

Paradoxically, we shall go far enough with less clothes than usual, and we get a cold much less frequently.

There is an important psychological barrier to overcome the cold : fear. It should be added that frequently a whopping person is due to gastrointestinal fever, of which we have spoken.
Therefore, another measure of hardening against the cold  is eliminating the internal fever, if it exists.

Skin hardening means restoring the ability to react, ie, the ability to be heat. Thus, a transfer of heat will occur from the gastrointestinal tract to the skin, equilibrating thermally the body.

That is, if we not over shelter, will balance body temperatures, which disappears internal fever  which in turn will mean that we will resist better  the cold, so we need even less clothes, etc.

Therefore, eliminating the internal fever and enhancing the heat in the skin through the cold, reach a thermal equilibrium that predispose us greatly to the health, improving our immune system dramatically.

In summary, it is essential  always apply this: not shelter everything aspossible, do not ever let the cold penetrates inside the body, that is, you have to feel the cold, but never have to be cold.

As for warm zones or areas with warm weather, the skin tightening must be done by hydrotherapy because the absence of cold air, the body is not so compelled to activate the defenses. In short, the air is a phenomenal healing agent , especially if it is pure.

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