Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Exercise Advantages And Benefits

Exercise Advantages

The benefits of physical activity that can bring to the health are obvious. Any kind of physical exercise practiced regularly and moderately produces a series of reactions in the body that help maintain or restore the health.

However it is noted that, as in everything, seek the dose at which the body can react appropriately, since excessive sport rather than improving health can get to consume it.

Each person should know what is the exercise threshold beyond of which fatigue the body instead of reviving it. Thus for an old man walking slowly for 5 or 10 minutes  can be his ideal exercise while a young person a quick walk for 20 minutes could be insufficient.

Each one must seek the balance that maintains the health intact. We must not seek to bring the body to its maximum physical strength, since this will result in premature wear of vitality.

What are the advantages of a proper exercise? First, the increased blood circulation, respiration  and sweating, thus accelerating the oxygenation and removal processes ( through the skin and lungs ).

The body will be cleaner and more oxygenated from toxins that before starting the activity. By increasing the amount of air consumed, it stands to reason that the ideal is practice sport amidst Nature. For example, a good practice would be the rise of a hill at a fast pace.

If at this practice we add a little cold weather and light clothing ( without actually being cold , just noticing it ) , the effect is highly purifier and strengthener.

The cold leads to increase peripheral circulation, thus increasing blood flow in the skin, being noted at a more or less pronounced redness of this . If  this we add the sweating increase, we understand why the elimination of toxins is done as effective way at the level of skin. Often we notice itching, especially in the limbs, which indicate that the elimination is being carried out satisfactorily.

If we considering that overweight represent a serious cancer risk, we understand why exercise reduces the chance of acquire the disease.

The exercise strengthens the heart and lowers blood fat levels, including LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To perform any physical exercise is recommended ingesting foods rich in slow carbohydrates ( complex polysaccharides ) in the previous mea, ie , starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. ) . Obviously, at the time of exercise, the stomach should have completed digestion.

Contraindications of exercise, we might cite mainly to the people with acute symptoms of any kind, absolute rest is important in acute diseases.

In chronic diseases, the exercise should be limited to outdoor walks leveraging the air and sun beneficial effects, preventing fatigue because we need to have the most potential energy to fight the disease.

Physical exercise practice helps to keep the mind calm. A sedentary lifestyle often inhibit the rest or relax properly.

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