Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hydrotherapy Use For Medicinal Purposes-1

Hydrotherapy Benefits

Water use for medicinal purposes goes back many centuries ago. Hippocrates says: " The medical should consider the use of water by way of therapeutic agent and recommend it in some diseases, especially when required to combat excessive heat that causes fevers of all kinds in the human body."

Obviously the important role of water to fight internal, external or local fever.


Cold shower health
The most interesting applications from the therapeutic point of view are of the cold water. The effects of these applications on the body are very beneficial. In general, improve blood circulation, decongest and activate the organs,tones the nerves, lower the fever exces.

The healing power of water lies in the fact that is an agent capable of eliciting a healing response in the body.

When cold water comes in contact with the skin, the blood vessels of the skin ( peripheral vasoconstriction ) are constricted. Immediately thereafter, follows the body's reaction to this state of skin cooling: increases the flow of blood to the surface( hyperemia), whereby is decongests the organ corresponding to that area. Ie,the temperature and blood excess of an organ is transferred to the skin.

Cold water health benefits
This produces, in addition to what we have already mentioned, a revival of the functions of the skin and the improvement in the immune system.

The healing power of cold water is manifested in the the body warm reaction. For example, if we dip our arm with in cold water, you will notice after feeling cold a characteristic heat that progressively invade the area that has been wet, and we can even see the area more or less reddened .

This is the hot reaction (vasodilatation, hyperemia). If such a reaction occurs, it means that you have properly applied the therapy, being then more harm than beneficial.

How use the hydrotherapy to get the body reaction? Well as with all therapies, applying the adequate dosage to the body reaction capacity to treat. In the above example,if  we wet an arm in water for too long, the cold will penetrate to the bone, and the reaction will be impossible: we will have exceeded the dose.

If we take a brief cold shower of 5 seconds, we will notice immediately after a heat throughout the skin. But if we dive in very cold water for ten minutes, we will be shivering and possibly get a cold: no reaction from excess of cold. The important thing is that the cold does not get to penetrate . If we shiver is a sign that we are exceeding.

Therefore, the essentials before start the application, is that the body should be hot : if we have enough stored heat, we will not get cold. If we start an application of cold water with the intemperate body, we will not get the hot decongestant reaction. Therefore, if we are cold, it is best to preheat the body using warm, stove, hot water, etc.

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