Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hydrotherapy Use For Medicinal Purposes-2

Cold Shower Health

Once we warmed up, we are able to apply the cold water. Once we have completed the cold application, we have to help the body to react, which, if is necessary, we will dry quickly and we be warmed more or less, depending on the reaction capacity that our body has by itself.

The duration and temperature of the water depends largely on the reaction capacity of the person. The more best cold, and the more durable better, but mostly without exceeding the threshold of reaction: is worthless bring the body to the limit of its endurance, as this is not curative but destructive.

We must look as a curative agent the hot reaction, the congestion of the skin, indicative of the decongesting of the internal organs. The application of cold water is contraindicated in cases of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. You should never apply this therapy with a full stomach, so we will do before meals or at least two hours after this.

Do not apply either in pregnant women or during menstruation, because on one hand it could increase the abortion risk, and on the other hand could hinder the flow of the menses, or even cut it, which is extremely dangerous.

General applications
General applications of cold water have a toning and revitalizing effect on the body in general and the circulatory system and the nervous system in particular. Increase organic defenses and strengthen the nerves, being a good sedative in nervous moments.

Cold showers must be generally brief, a maximum of one minute. The important thing is that the body then reacts with warm in skin. If we can not handle well the cold shower, we can start the shower from warm or hot water,and gradually lower the temperature until get the cold water that we can keep well. In any case, after any shower.we should finish with cold water.


The rubs are made using a wet sponge or wet cloth and drained to avoid dripping. As the name suggests,consists to rub the whole body ( except the head ) several times, always in the direction of the venous circulation, ie , toward the heart.

The rubs are used when the person is in a state of weakness that inhibits react well to the cold shower. As always, we know that it worked well if the body responds with warm skin once the application is finished.

A cold rub applied daily, in the morning when rising, will strengthen and stimulate our immune system to fight any disease. It is a preventive measure of first order.

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