Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fever And Its purifying Purposes


We have seen different types of existing fever. For local fever, it is best application in the particular area a compress of cold water, ie a cloth dipped in cold water and drained to avoid dripping. The compress will be updated when be heated.

To lower the external or general fever when it is excessive, it can be applied a cold shower short, although it should not be too sharp, and may be replaced by a series of cold rubs.

In the opposite case of want to cause generall fever with purifying purposes, you can apply a steam bath or hyperthermic bath of increasing heat. This latter begins with the body submerged in the water, the head out, the initial temperature must be the same as the body, to increase it progressively until 41 º C.

The bath should not last more than 40 minutes, and is contraindicated in acute or cardiovascular diseases. As for steam baths must have the same contraindications, later we will talk about them.

To eliminate the internal or gastrointestinal fever, it is best to apply cold compresses to the abdominal region, renewing them to cool. We look for the hot reaction when we finish the application: well, that excessive heat will pass to the skin, and will decongests the viscera.

When there is a thermal imbalance extreme in the body, ie , feverish intestines and cold extremities, we must apply the opposite: ie, cold in the abdomen and heat in hands and feet, causing an artificial balance that will  favor the recovery of the patient.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

We can see the tenth  and last section section of this wonderful book in this link

 Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal

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