Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hydrotherapy In The Local Applications


Local applications
One of the most interesting utilities of hydrotherapy is its thermo balancereffect. When the intestines are congested, the cold water decongests them and reduces the internal temperature. Just as in the case of general applications, the interesting thing is the body hot reaction.

Vital Bathroom
This bathroom has a revitalizing effect on the body, so that its daily practice, both sick and not sick  patients, can prolong life and delay aging. It consists of applying water cold as possible in the lower abdomen, from the belly button down.

It can be applied, for example, sitting on a bidet filled with cold water, without touching the water, and pouring the water over the area mentioned.

We can use a sponge or esparto glove or similar rough material, which will rub all this lower abdominal area. Avoid wetting other parts than are not the under belly. In any case, it is inevitable also that wet the genital area, but it is also beneficial.

The action of cold water, along with this rub with rough material, will cause hyperemia in the skin and a warm feeling after the bath, signs indicative of its effectiveness and the intestinal decongesting.The recommended duration of this bath is half an hour daily. It is highly recommended for anyone that wishing to have a robust health.

Head pain and congestion
In the case of congestion or headache, migraines, etc, there is a hydrotherapy technique  that has given very good results. Since this is a very typical symptom of the early days of any  cleansing diet, is a shame to having to resort to analgesic chemicals products that interfere with the  healing process.

To decongest the head we will proceed as follows: apply cold water as possible in both legs. If we can not stand it, it can do the same from the knees down, or only n the feet. In cases of very little resistance, we can apply cold rubs in the  legs. The application of water will be short duration (30 seconds or a minute ).

Immediately after, will dry the wet part, we will wear, and if is necessary we will cover with a blanket. It is very important  the reaction heat in the legs. This additional influx of blood in the extremities means the decongestion and  head relief.

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