Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blood Washing With Steam And Cold Rubs

Blood's wash

This technique, developed by Manuel Lezaeta, is a combination of steam and cold rubs. The heat that causes the steam opens the pores of the skin and stimulates the sweating.

The rubs cold clears the internal organs and transfer all this congestion to the skin. Thus, the toxic substances that affect the corresponding organ move away from it, focusing on the skin. If we return to apply the steam, part of said substances will be removed through the pores. We can therefore see that this application represents a true blood washing.

How to apply is as follows: first we start with a general cold rub, as explained above. Then we started with the steam batht, so that the whole body is exposed to heat, with the exception for the head.

This bath will last up to 45 minutes, but considering that every 5 minutes approximately we leave the bath and apply a cold rub on the whole body from the neck down, to return back to the steam bath. Finally to finish the blood wash, always do it with a cold rub.

One possibility for performing said home laundering could be as shown in the next  figure.

Steam bath for "blood washing"

We can use a plastic or waterproof fabric with a hole in the centerto take out the head. This hole must fit perfectly to the neck so that the steam does not escape for which a rubber band can be useful.

Anyway, the neck should not be tight. To produce steam, we can use an electric stove, over this place a pot of water, which should be simmering. If we dont have the mobile stove, we can place a boiling pot, which must be replaced whenever the water stops producing steam.

In short, this technique can be very useful to eliminate excess of toxins in the blood. Blood washing can be practiced on a daily basis if desired.

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