Thursday, January 9, 2014

Clay Benefits And Healing Properties-1


The healing power of clay is very great, absorbing harmful substances, inactive poisons, disinfects, reduces inflammation, heals, corrects the pH, etc.

These general properties are common for all types of clay ( red, green, white, black, etc. ), And are not reflected when the clay is dry, only when this is wet. Therefore, any application will be valid only until no dry.

It is a economic remedy readily available in drugstores or specialized health shops. The most common packages are the clay powder. It can also be obtained directly from nature : look for an area where the soil is clayey. Once obtained we allow it to dry and we will pass it mashed in order to obtain the finely sifted clay.

To prepare it, take the clay powder and add cold or hot water as needed for each case, to obtain a pasty mass. We will daub that mass in a folded cotton cloth or similar, and apply it directly to the skin.

This type of application is called poultice or cataplasm. You can also spread the mud on the skin and then cover it with the cloth.The mass thickness can reach one centimeter.

The clay activity ceases when it dries. We care not reused once it has dried , then by absorbing harmful substances, is impregnated with toxics. It is best to prepare the right mass for each application.

As a general rule, the mixture will be applied warm on cold areas, or cold when the zone to treatment is hot. For example, applying a poultice of clay in the lower abdomen, we obtain an excellent remedy against intestinal putrefaction and internal fever, herefore, it is conceivable that the poultice must be cold in that case.

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