Thursday, January 9, 2014

Clay Benefits And Healing Properties-2

Clay Benefits

When there is an inflammation or acute pain, also apply cold. When it comes to giving vitality to any sick and weakened organ, apply it hot on the area where such organ lies: the digestive tract is the exception, since usually suffers excessive heat, whereupon the gastrointestinal poultices will apply cold (never after eating, of course).

For the case of cancer, cold clay poultices are recommended without renew them when heated on the abdomen, overnight, or during certain times of day. This cleans and clears the bowels.

In the case of cancers that do not affect internal organs, it is advisable the poultice of cold clay on the tumor, renewing it When it is hot. This application will be held daily and should last 30 minutes.

Clay also has anti - radioactive properties, since  absorbs radiation. In fact, in some nuclear power plants, the contaminated parts by radioactivity are immersed in clay for a while to lose that pollution. Thus it may be a good therapy applied in the case of problems caused by radiation.

Internal use of clay is also possible: take on an empty stomach a glass of water in which we dissolved a teaspoon of clay is a good remedy for cancer cases in the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach or intestines).

It is also a good preventative measure if we suspect that we have been exposed to radioactive sources or that we can be. It is also an effective remedy against heartburn, diarrhea or intestinal putrefaction. Another practice that can be healthy is the clay bath.

The ideal is to find a natural source of clay, and bathing directly in it, then letting it dry on our skin. But when this is not possible, we can always take our powdered clay tub and take a bath half an hour. It is excellent for skin impurities.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |

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