Thursday, January 9, 2014

Foot Reflexology And Body Organs

Foot reflexology

Another drawback of life away from Nature as health is concerned, it is the isolation of man from the earth. Many of us find it difficult or almost impossible to walk barefoot on a piece of wild land.

Modern cities provide our displacements through asphalt, sidewalks, and other smooth surfaces. We also have comfortable shoes that prevent us from sore feet when walking. All this deprives us of the close contact with the planet.

This physical isolation it is also in the energy level, since  these materials that separate us from the land and prevent the moving of telluric and cosmic energies through us. It is obvious the beneficial effect of barefoot walking through the countryside, the beach, a river, etc.But every time we have less access to it.

On our feet are reflected all organs of the body, so that each area of the foot corresponds to a different organ. We can check the status of an organ , for example massaging the part of the foot corresponding for that organ.

If the massage is painful, or is there any sign of tension in the foot, muscle spasm, redness, calluses, etc.., Means that the corresponding organ is affected by some type of ailment. Similarly, the foot massage on that area will stimulate the corresponding part of the organism.

In the sole of the foot are reflected all most important organs, so that walking barefoot on an uneven surface (sand, land, rocks, etc..),we activate those organs through reflexology.

In the graph of above Figure is shown a zonal map of soles of the feet. This map is incomplete, showing only the areas that interest us for the treatment of cancer. First we want to acive the entire intestinal tract, especially the colon, because there is where "plugs" are produced and encrustations more easily, to be a place where faeces are thickened and stacked.

Activating this area will help the body eliminate internal fever. Also be interesting to change the vermiform appendix since often morbid substances are accumulated there. With free intestine of dirt and putrefactions, everything is much easier.

Also be interesting activate the area corresponding to the kidneys, because in this way we help the blood purification. For the same reason, also activate the liver and gallbladder massaging the corresponding foot area.

It is also very healthy activate the lymph nodes, so that increases the immune capacity and a drain of strange substances. We can see that in the sole of the foot are reflected both cranial and axillary lymphatic nodes.

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