Friday, January 24, 2014

Apple A Fruit With Medicinal Properties


Shape: oval , sometimes elongated rounded contour.
Taste, aroma and different quality. Bright skin and smooth.
Color: green, red, yellow and bicolor.
Size : between 7 to 10 cm and sometimes more.
Weight: 100 to 270 grams.
Pulp: hard or soft, juicy, from sweet to sour and flavor depends on the variety.
The cooling is controlled to prevent water loss and skin wrinkling.

Nutritional properties

85% of its weight is water. Carbohydrates are predominantly fructose and to a lesser quantity, glucose and sucrose. It is rich in fiber, especially ideal for improving intestinal transit. It has little amount of vitamin C and E  that are important antioxidants.

It is rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and quercetin. According as is consumed, can act as a laxative or astringent: raw and with skin  is ideal for constipation because its insoluble fiber from skin is used to improve intestinal transit.

But as it is rich in soluble fiber like pectin that is characterized by retaining water ,peeled and grated is very beneficial to slow intestinal transit in diarrhea cases. It is also rich in tannin that acts as an astringent and tannin and anti-inflammatory.This tanins are responsible for darkening of the pulp when it is grated or cut into small pieces and left in contact with air.


Raw as fruit, salads with other fruits or vegetables, sauces, compotes , jams , cakes, jelly, smoothies, baked. To prevent that peeled apple be darkening, it is rubbed with a lemon pulp. With apple elaborate cider, wine, spirits ( apple brandy), apple cider vinegar, which has fewer acetic acid than wine, so it is better tolerated.

Apple medicinal uses
Anticatarrhal : If cough or bronchi, and when you have loaded the chest, this plant is very suitable for its expectorant values and propertis. Infusion of 15 g of dried flowers per liter of water. Take three cups a day.

Anticholesterol : The methionine, its highcontent in phosphorus and rich in soluble fiber are essential in controlling cholesterol.

Hypotensive: The vasodilator value of the histidine make it a good ally to lower blood pressure in hypertension. Infusion of a spoonful of dried flowers and leaves per cup of water. Let stand 10 minutes and drink two glasses a day.

Sedative : By its phosphorus content, it is a food with sedatives values that are very suitable for taking it before bedtime, which helps you sleep better.

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