Friday, January 24, 2014

Apple Properties And Nutritional Value


Benefits and medicinal properties (continuation)
To reduce fever make a decoction of 60 gr  per liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 2 glasses a day.

Anti Smoking: A diet only based in apples for a day may help to quit smoking.

Anticancer : By its catechins and quercetin content, two phytochemicals that protect against the effects of free radicals and have powerful anti-cancer properties.

Apples are refreshing and laxatives. An apple every morning is cleansing and every night is a laxative. The water that has been boiled is a nice drink, tasty and very useful  in acute and inflammatory diseases.

Calms burning from thirst and fever, decreases irritation and produces beneficial effects on kidney and bladder facilitating its operation.

Cellular Aging.
The apple has two powerful antioxidants such as catechins and quercetin that act against free radicals that causes cellular aging. This makes the apple beneficial for rejuvenation but also are studying the anticancer properties of these substances.

* Gastritis and Ulcers: The histidine contained in apple stimulates the production of gastric juices, this fruit is beneficial in cases of gastritis and ulcers.

* Insomnia: The apple is used for insomnia because it contains vitamin B12.

* Better Respiratory Capacity: It has been studied that five or more apples a week improves lung function due to antioxidants in this fruit.

* Degenerative diseases prevention: The apple is very good for improving memory and activate brain functions due to its phosphorus content. The nutritional  apple components acting on the health of the brain's neurotransmitters, thus preventing degenerative diseases such as Parkinson 's and Alzheimer's.

Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 1 medium apple with skin (150 g )

* Calories: 80
* Water: 132 g
* Total Carbohydrates: 21.3 g
* Total Sugars: 16 g
* Sucrose: 3.2 g
* Glucose: 3.7 g
* Fructose: 9.1 g
* Fiber: 3.7 g
* Protein: 0.4 g
* Fat: 0.2 g
* Cholesterol: 0 g
* Sodium: 2 mg
* Potassium: 165 mg
* Calcium: 9 mg
* Vitamin C: 7 mg
* Vitamin B9 : 5- mcg
* Beta-carotene 42 mcg
* Lutein Zeaxanthin : 45 mcg
* Phytosterols : 18mg.

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