Friday, January 24, 2014

Chamomile And Its Different Medicinal Uses


It is native to southeastern Europe and Asia. Considered one of the twelve sacred herbs given to humanity and the Egyptians dedicated to the chamomile to Sun God for its healing properties. It was introduced to America by the Spaniards and was quickly incorporated into our tradition of herbal medicine.

Its scientific name is " Matricaria chamomilla " . " Matricaria " comes from the Latin - " Matrix " meaning uterus, and indicates the gynecological properties that the plant owns.

General characteristics of chamomile
Chamomile measures 30 to 60 cm on average. Its stem is branched, smooth and glossy . With long narrow leaves with bright green.

The flowers are at the end of the branches, forming a floral button with a yellow head surrounded by white petals.All the plant releases an aroma that reminiscent to the apples.

The plant mainly concentrate active ingredients in the flower; in this part are considerable proportions of essence, and compounds such as salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C. The branches and leaves too but also have less concentration, so its quality is not the highest.

Chamomile medicinal uses
* Swollen eyelids: Prepare a tea with a spoonful of dried flowers in a glass of water, let it cool and apply a compress, wet gauze on the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Swelling of feet, tiredness: Prepare an infusion of dried flowers; 80 grams in one liter of water and takes a foot bath for 15 minutes and do massage.

* Toothache. Relieves pain caused by tooth decay, prepare a tea with dried plant and performs cold rinses as often as necessary.

* Osteoarthritis Pain : Prepare maceration: put in a dark bottle 2 cups of dried flowers in one liter of olive oil and let stand for four hours, apply a little liquid in the area where pain is present and make frictions. The rest of the maceration can be stored up to one month, with the bottle tightly closed.

* Nasal Catarrh : Prepare an infusion with one or two handfuls of flowers in a bowl in two liters of water,perform vaporizations with the preparation done.

* Sore throat: Prepare a tea with two teaspoons of chamomile flowers in a cup of water, let stand and perform gargles several times a day.

* Relieves headache: Prepare an infusion of flowers; 40 grams per liter of water, and drink 1-5 cups a day.

* Dry mouth. Prepare a tea with a spoonful of dried plant in a cup of water and perform gargles with this tea.

* Relieves hassles of the flu: Heat in a bain marie for two hours 25 grams of flowers in 250 milliliters of vegetable oil. Squeeze to store. This preparation is rubbed on the chest and back.

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