Friday, January 24, 2014

Chamomile And Another Different Medicinal Uses

Chamomile medicinal uses (continuation )

* Relieves menstrual pain: Prepare an infusion with 20 grams of chamomile in two liters of water, and put it in a tub of water; for 15 minutes makes a sitz bath.

* Helps digestion and helps expel intestinal gas: Take an infusion prepared with 30 grams of chamomile in one liter of water and take a cup after each meal.

* Nausea and vomiting: Prepare an infusion with 10 grams of chamomile in one liter of water, take three to six hot cups daily.

* Relieves skin conditions, eczema, rashes, dermatitis, blisters, wounds. Prepare a concentrated infusion, with 20 to 50 grams of chamomile in one liter of water, let stand for 10 minutes and filter it before use, apply compresses to the affected area with the hot tea.

* Relaxing: Prepare an infusion with 20 to 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers in a liter of water, let stand for 15 minutes, filter it and rinse with the liquid prepared.

* Helps eliminate nail fungus in hands and feet: One infusion prepared with two teaspoons of chamomile in one cup of water, add the juice of two lemons, wet the nails with the liquid prepared and let this go drying slowly.

For cultivation you can follow these tips:
Chamomile is a plant that adapts to all climates, less too cold. It can be grown in home gardens using containers, crates, or other recipient for growing a plant.

Do not use aluminum or metal cans. Place chamomile seeds at a depth of 2 to 5 mm. and  cover them with finely sifted layer of black potting soil. Place the pot in a bright place and try to keep the land moist, use a watering to prevent the seed drowning.

The seed begins to germinate in 15 days and can make the harvest when the flowers are fully open, this is between two to three months.

Cut the branches with open flowers and place them on a clean piece of brown paper in the shade. When they are dry store them in a brown paper bag, and write on a label or directly its common name and scientific name and collection date.

* Avoid make infusions in aluminum containers.
* It should not be given to children under 2 years, or women pregnant or lactating.
* The chamomile flowers, should not be stored for more than a year because their active ingredients could be lost.
* Avoid drinking chamomile tea for over one month.
* In some people with sensitive skin, it can cause irritation.
* If your discomfort persists, you should see a doctor.

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