Friday, January 24, 2014

The Melon Nutritional And Healing Properties

Melon benefits and properties

Melon Cucumis belongs to the family of Curcubits, tropical fruits adapted to temperate climates.

Its origin is shrouded in mystery as have found evidence of its existence in very close times in both Asia and Africa. The Romans, through the port of Carthage, introduced in the Iberian Peninsula, it is precisely in the Cartagena countryside where are be found the biggest melon plantations throughout the Region o Murcia, one of the largest producers of Spain.

Some experts think that is native to southern Asia and others attribute his birth to the African continent, in fact there are representations of this fruit in Egyptian tombs 4,400 years ago.

Melon belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae and its botanical name is Cucumis melo L. The varieties covered by the PGI melon  are Saccharinus Naud, with skin  Toad and Yellow types, Cantalupensis Naud, with Galia and Cantaloupe types.

Nutritional and healing properties

The melon is consumed almost throughout the year, bringing its benefits as a moisturizer; it is composed of 80 % water in addition to having the advantage of providing very few calories, being especially useful in diets for weight control or specific control that affect in reducing carbohydrates as in the case of diabetic people.

Thanks to the contribution of vitamin C, the consumption is recommended for people with intolerance to citrus and children during growth and women pregnant.

The melon contains vitamin C and E, niacin , carbohydrates, pantothenic acid, folic acid, fiber, sodium , potassium, magnesium , phosphorus, calcium, iron carotene , thiamine and riboflavin.
The varieties that provide a higher percentage of nutrients are cantaloupe, orange pulp, and Galia melon of smaller size.

* This fruit is considered  antioxidant, diuretic and moisturizing. So is indicated for kidney problems, hypertension, cleansing diets and combat uric acid.

* Helps to relieve stomach heartburn.

* Helps to correct constipation. Generally, a quarter or half of melon, eaten without accompaniment, should cause a discrete bowel movement.

* An effective treatment for liver jaundice with fresh green melons that have not fully matured, they should be consumed regularly along with parsley tea. The tea is left to soak for half an hour, a handful of chopped parsley. Drink after straining it.

* The concentration of minerals, potassium, magnesium and calcium of this fruit are high so it is advisable to use in people with alcoholism problems, behavior disorders, burns, trauma or fever.

Properties Melon - For 100 grams
Energy ( kcal ) : 52.43
Fiber ( g): 0.75
Protein ( g): 0.60
Fat ( g): 0.10
Carbohydrate ( g ) : 13.10
Cholesterol ( mg ) 0.00

Vitamins For every 100 grams
Vitamin B1 ( mg ) 0.05
Vitamin B2 ( mg ) 0.01
Vitamin B6 ( mg): 0.06
Vitamin B12 ( mg ) 0.00
Vitamin C ( mg ) 32.10
Folic acid ( mg ) : 2.70
Vitamin B3 ( mg): 0.58
Vitamin D ( mg ) 0.00
Vitamin E ( mg ) 0.16
Vitamin A ( mg ) : 3.00

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