Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Hoax Of Modern Medicine You Should Know

Modern medicine and traditional medicine

The hoax of modern medicine : Seven facts you need to know
Increasingly it seems that the only real disease is believing in pharmaceutical medicine. It's like a kind of madness.

Think that a synthetic chemical product can solve all  problems and put your life in perfect order as those actors that shown in television advertisements for

When it comes to health, our modern world has lost its mind, and the so called science backing it has lost all touch with scientific reality. the modern medicine is a hoax.

Science has been abandoned for marketing. The security has been thrown out the window and has been replaced with potential gains - earnings that going to the coffers of the elite.

Here are the  facts that you must remember about all we are seeing today in modern medicine:

Factor 1 : 90 percent of all diseases;Cancer, diabetes, depression, heart diseases , etc,  are easily preventable through diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise. None of these solutions are promoted because they do not generate any money.

Factor 2: Almost all consumption of pharmaceuticals today is a direct result of the marketing to the public and secretly bribing doctors to write more prescriptions. There is very little drug consumption based on scientific merit.

Factor 3: There are not pharmaceuticals actually that cure or resolve the underlying causes of the disease. Even " successful" drugs onlycontrolling the symptoms, usually at the expense of interfering with other physiological functions which cause side effects in the process. There is no such thing as a drug without side effects.

Factor 4 : There is no financial incentive for anyone in the current medical system ( pharmaceutical companies , hospitals , doctors, etc. . ) to make that  people are really well. The benefits are in continuous illness, not wellness or prevention.

Factor 5: Practically all " prevention " programs that we see today ( such as free mammograms or other screening programs ) are little more than plans cleverly  disguised  for recruiting patients.

The use free detection to scare people into accepting unnecessary and often expensive treatments that enrich the pharmaceutical companies. The breast cancer mammography is a complete scam : The machines actually cause cancer !

Factor 6: Doctors do not know almost nothing about nutrition and still not teaching them nutrition at schools of medicine. Expecting a doctor to teach you about how to prevent the disease is expecting something like an auto mechanic that show you how to perform a brain surgery.

Although there are some exceptions; doctors who themselves have learned nutrition , the majority of doctors remain nutritionally illiterate because they do not have familiarity with natural plant -based medicines found in fruits and vegetables.

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