Thursday, January 30, 2014

How To Clean Our Colon With Good Habits

Natural colon cleansing diet

Your colon cleansing can be in minutes. There are lots of methods and some of them may even be in your refrigerator right now. If you read on, you will be closer to that feeling of detoxification.

* Eat more fiber.
Think of it like a broom that sweeps everything in your digestive system - Fiber is one nutrient that is not digested and helps cleanse the intestines. In short, more fiber = more empty colon.

Flax seeds and oats are super sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble type. Fruits, ie strawberries and apples, vegetables , whole grains and beans are also good sources after all.

Aim for about 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. You will need your fruit and vegetable intake significantly ( 5 servings a day) and whole grains pack (which comes in 6 ) , but the good news is that these things are delicious, healthy and help you lose weight too.

*  Drink plenty of refreshing water,running water.
 This liquid will do everything in your body to function better. Instead of drinking 8 glasses of eight ounces of water, look at the color of your urine. If it's clear or almost clear yellow, means that is doing a great job, and if it is darker than that, start drinking more !

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks do not count to the total fluid intake; only dehydrate you. For this and other reasons ( empty calories , etc), it is just avoid them.Drinking more can help to relieve constipation, too.

*  Eat more fermented foods.
Amazing right? But not,there are bacteria in fermented foods that are very, very good for you and your colon. Without them, certain nutrients go wrong, the toxins do not degrade, and microorganisms that cause disease can make a home in your digestive system.

Basically, they give to the cells in the colon the energy to do their job.The yogurt , miso , kimchi , and sauerkraut are four examples of fermented foods.

* Kefir and Kombucha tea.
provide good things through the drink,also Sancoche ,Green Broccoli Paso in your diet, at least. Not only gives chlorophyll its green color, but also clean and soften the tissue of the digestive tract.

In addition to providing fiber, vegetables can repair intestines.The lucerne plant, wheat grass, brussels sprouts, spinach , peas and barleygrass are good sources of chlorophyll, also liquid chlorophyll. Through lifestyle changes can also help cleanse the colon.

* Do more physically active.
A low amount of physical activity is a common cause of constipation. Doctors are still not sure why . But blame as the cause of illness in the elderly people.
Just go for a walk every day that counts for physical activity. Also take a trip to the gym is out of the question, the goal is to be more active at home and take the smaller opportunities to burning one calorie here and there.

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