Saturday, January 11, 2014

Artichoke Its Medicinal Benefits-1

Artichoke Properties

Common or usual name : Artichoke, Artichokes, Alconcil, Cardo eating.
Scientific or Latin name : Cynara scolymus
Family: Composite.
Origin: North Africa and Southern Europe.

Artichokes are perennial plants, that is,remain in place for several years. It is a perennial plant, but in irrigated vegetable production generally lasts 2 or 3 years.Has a thick rhizome with roots and buds that sprout throughout the year.

Long leaves, pubescents,larges of 0.9 meter, light green above and woolly beneath. Central nerves are very marked and divided into sidelobes, sometimes very deep in the basal leaves and much less split into stem leaves.

Flowers terminal are thick, covered with membranous scales imbricated, fleshy at the base constituting the edible part. The Artichoke has medicinal properties as hypoglycemic and enhances the metabolism of cholesterol and urea.

The artichoke is to become in a true and authentic delicacy for many, and may be a suitable food in dieting, as it can help you lose weight and lose those extra kilos. Turn constitutes a healthy food that can not miss in a balanced diet, and having important benefits and several important health properties.

They are also delicious in salads and cold dishes, and are great for children and adults, thanks to the different virtues that it possesses.

Nutritional Information:
After water, the major component of the artichokes are carbohydrates, among which highlights inulin and fiber. The major minerals are sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, and among vitamins highlights the presence of vitamins B1 , B3 and small amounts of vitamin C.

However, the highlight of the its composition is a number of substances found in small quantity, but endowed with remarkable positive physiological effects:

* The Cynarin: acidic substance with choleretic effect, ie capable of increasing bile secretion. The Cynarin is hypercholesterolemic and decreases beta / alpha lipoprotein ratio. It is also diuretic, causing increased urine output.

* The Sterols: able to limit cholesterol absorption in the intestine.

* Vitamins A, B6 , Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carbohydrates, Proteins,H of Carbon, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium.

* The Carbohydrates specifically the natural sugar that is transformed into energy.

* Its flowers like the thistle contain lab ferment which serves as the rennet milk.

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