Saturday, January 11, 2014

Artichoke Its Medicinal Benefits-2

Artichoke Properties

Chemical composition of the artichoke :

* Water 88 %

* Carbohydrate  7, 5 % ( fiber 3, 5 % )

* Protein 2, 3 %

* Fat 0, 1 %

* Potassium 570 mg/100 g

* Sodium 35 mg/100 g

* 80 Phosphorus mg/100 g

* 45 mg/100 g Calcium

* Vitamin C 9 mg/100 g

* Vitamin A 17 g microgramos/100

* Vitamin B1 0, 1 mg/100 g.

Benefits and properties.
Artichoke leaf contains magnesium , potassium and sterols, which act in synergy with cinarina, a substance both aromatic and bitter.

Yes, Artichoke has an important regulatory activity of biliary secretion, being indicated in cases of poor digestion of fats,jaundice and sluggish liver.

It helps to regenerate liver cells, helping to combat toxic substances, and can be ideal in cases of fatty liver, while it is able to reduce high cholesterol.

Moreover, Artichoke can become an excellent purifier helping our  body to expel different toxins and substances that are not needed. For this reason, we must not forget either of  its consumption in  thinning dieting and weight control.

In natural medicine is widely used to treat :

* Anemia

* Diabetes

* Constipation

* Collaborate with liver function, is used to cure diseases linked to this important organ such as cirrhosis, poisoning, hepatitis, jaundice, gall bladder stones, etc.

* Slimming : Artichoke is an ideal way to lose weight and burn extra fat as it has a lot of properties that work with digestive function, making it easier to lose extra kilos. It has low caloric and high water content  properties that makes it an ideal plant in diets to lose weight or control cholesterol and its diseases

* Works well for digestive and metabolic problems, is tonic, regulates bowel and strengthens the immune system.

* Digestion: promotes rapid digestion and fat elimination.

* It is good for headaches .

* Anti- cholesterol.

* Kidneys has diuretic and cleansing properties for the kidneys, as is rich in cynarin a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile by the bladder, thereby improving lipid metabolism and enhancing organic lipolysis (breakdown of fatty acids). This substance also has a  diuretic effect, stimulating the kidneys and thus, helps eliminate excess of fluids.

 Part     |    1    |    2    |     3    |

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